Terms Of Use

Effective Date: 04-01-2024


Welcome to Dotme, a dynamic content sharing platform proudly brought to you by Brandemic LLC, referred to herein as “we,” “us,” or “our.” These Terms & Conditions (“Terms”) serve as the foundational framework governing your interaction with our web-based platform, mobile applications, and other software features encapsulated under the umbrella of Dotme. As you engage with our platform, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with and adhere to these Terms, as well as any supplementary policies or guidelines interlinked within this document.

Account Creation

Elevating your status to a Dotme user necessitates compliance with specific prerequisites. Users must be a minimum of 18 years old to create an account. If an account is initiated on behalf of another party, explicit consent must be secured. The onus of account management rests solely upon the user, with an imperative obligation to align their actions with all pertinent laws and these Terms. By embarking on the journey of creating an account, users affirm their age of majority and legal capacity to engage in this contractual arrangement. Up-to-date and accurate account information is requisite, with users mandated to promptly rectify any alterations. Should you be wielding Dotme as an instrument for business or another individual, you must be vested with the requisite authority.

The safeguarding of account security lies within the user’s purview, rendering it prohibited to share login credentials. In instances of suspected unauthorized access, swift contact with our support is imperative. Account transfer or usage in a manner deemed detrimental to Dotme, its reputation, or infringing upon the rights of others or legal regulations is strictly prohibited.

User Online Information

By accessing or using Dotme’s services you agree to retrieving information from social media platforms & other sources on the internet, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions. These terms govern your use of the services provided by Dotme, and by using them, you accept these terms in full.

  1. Users must ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and the terms of use of the respective platforms from which information is retrieved.
  2. The information includes but is not limited to personal information, images, videos, other forms of content over electronic media, usage statistics from various sources, interactions etc whether available on a public platform or otherwise.
  3. Users agree not to infringe upon intellectual property rights, violate privacy rights, or engage in activities that could cause harm, harass, or defame any individual or entity in the process of retrieving information.
  4. Users are solely responsible for the accuracy, integrity, and use of the information retrieved. Dotme does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or legality of the information obtained from third-party platforms.
  5. Users agree to indemnify and hold harmless Dotme, its affiliates, officers, employees, and agents from any claims, damages, liabilities, or expenses arising from the user’s use or misuse of the retrieved information.

Username Usage

The choice of a username holds significance and must adhere to standards befitting a diverse audience while respecting the rights of all stakeholders. Names belonging to third parties, including celebrities, brands, or companies, offensive or obscene usernames, and registrations solely intended for speculative gain, a practice commonly referred to as “Domain Squatting,” are prohibited. In the eventuality of such username-related concerns, we will assess the circumstances judiciously and may require a username change. Non-compliance may result in account suspension or termination. If a third party asserts that your username infringes upon their intellectual property rights, they must submit an Intellectual Property report, granting you the opportunity to issue a Counter Notice. Furthermore, inactivity of an account for six consecutive months, characterized by no logins, link creations, or traffic, may prompt consideration for username reclamation or reassignment, with prior user notification.

Content Guidelines

Dotme champions diversity in content sharing while maintaining a haven of safety and inclusivity for all users. Aspiring content creators are encouraged to adhere to our Community Standards, as any deviation from these standards may culminate in account suspension or permanent removal.

By the term “content,” we encompass all textual, graphic, video, link, or other materials uploaded to your Dotme profile. By uploading content, you affirm its ownership or possession of all requisite rights for its publication on Dotme, and granting us the rights delineated within these Terms. Content must steer clear of any infringement upon third-party rights, inclusive of privacy, intellectual property, and more. It should remain devoid of any misleading or deceptive attributes designed to misinform users. Content integrity should be upheld, devoid of viruses, malicious code, or unauthorized advertising. Automated scripts or scraping tools for information extraction from profiles or the platform are prohibited. Unauthorized advertising, solicitations, or endorsements find no place on Dotme. All content should seamlessly align with our Community Standards and the Creator consents to not upload anything objectionable, offensive, illegal etc and Dotme reserves the right & authority to take down any content by the creator.

It is imperative to note that legal regulations vary across international borders. Hence, we reserve the right to remove content, even if legal in one jurisdiction but not in another. In compliance with these Terms and our policies, necessary actions, such as content removal or access restriction, may be taken.

Use of Your Content

Content sharing on Dotme endows us with a license encompassing the use, public display, distribution, modification, adaptation, and creation of derivative works from your content. Furthermore, you extend to us the right to employ your name, image, voice, photograph, likeness, and other personal attributes intrinsic to your content for promotional and marketing purposes, both within the platform and across diverse media channels. This license holds global, royalty-free, and perpetual validity. You, however, retain all rights to your content. It is imperative to exercise caution when sharing personal information, refraining from divulging sensitive data such as social security numbers or passport details. Be cognizant that your content resides within the public domain, susceptible to usage and sharing by other Dotme users and throughout the expanse of the internet.

Platform Ownership

Dotme retains unmitigated rights, inclusive of intellectual property rights, to the entirety of the platform, with the exception of user-generated content. Users are conferred with a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right for the utilization of the platform, aimed at content sharing and engagement with the content of other users. Users are prohibited from any form of removal, obscuring, or alteration of proprietary notices or trademarks adorning the platform. Unauthorized activities, encompassing but not limited to copying, reproduction, distribution, licensing, sale, modification, reverse engineering, or any attempt to uncover the source code of the platform, or any component thereof, are expressly prohibited. Visiting Dotme profiles garners users a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right for interaction with the platform through user profiles.

Subscription Plans

Dotme extends the choice of both free and paid subscription plans to users, accompanied by the freedom to cancel subscriptions at any juncture. Paid subscriptions continue until the conclusion of the ongoing billing cycle post-cancellation, subsequently reverting to a free plan. The cancellation mechanism is accessible through the billing page, with payments deemed non-refundable as a standard policy. Exceptions may be contemplated in instances of subscription cancellation within 72 hours of initiation (please direct inquiries to the support email). For users who have downloaded our app and subscribed via Apple ID or Google Play Store, cancellation instructions outlined by Apple or Google must be followed (Apple: [https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT202039]; Google: [https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/7018481]). Dotme is unable to facilitate refunds in such cases. For permanent account deletion following subscription cancellation, users may do so via the ‘My Account’ page. Users should be mindful that account deletion is irreversible, precluding reactivation or retrieval of any content or data added to the profile.

Fees and Transaction Costs

The onus of paying all subscription fees promptly rests with the user. Dotme reserves the right to levy transaction fees and processing fees, subsequently subtracted from the proceeds of any transactions effected through user profiles.

Dotme retains the prerogative to periodically adjust subscription or transaction fees, with prior notification, typically spanning a minimum of one month. Should users contest the revised fees, they possess the option to cancel their plan before the onset of the impending billing cycle.

Privacy and Data

Dotme’s commitment to safeguarding user privacy is unwavering. Our Privacy Notice expounds upon the handling of user personal data for our internal purposes. User account creation signifies acknowledgment, comprehension, and acceptance of the Terms & Conditions.

All data stemming from user interactions, profile visits, or platform usage (“Data”) are the exclusive property of Dotme. Data Analytics, forming part of our service offering, may entail the presentation of Data or Data visualizations to users. While diligent efforts are undertaken to ensure the accuracy and comprehensiveness of Data Analytics, no guarantees are extended concerning their precision or entirety.

Visitors and Customers

Users bear sole responsibility for their profile visitors, encompassing customers who engage in transactions via their Dotme profiles (“End Users”). Users are tasked with regulating End Users’ interaction with their profiles and content and ensuring compliance with all pertinent laws governing End Users and transactions conducted through the Dotme platform, including but not limited to “Commerce” or “Payment lock” features.

Additionally, donations routed through our “Support Me” feature are characterized by their voluntary nature and are not intended as an exchange for goods or services. This feature is exclusively designated for personal donation collection, with charitable or other causes ineligible for its utilization.


In cases where Dotme shares confidential information pertaining to the platform or Dotme with users, strict confidentiality and security protocols must be observed. Occasional disclosure of confidential information (e.g., insights into upcoming features) may occur, especially for users engaged in beta testing. Users are obligated to treat such information with utmost confidentiality, instituting reasonable safeguards against unauthorized access and abstaining from sharing this information with third parties.


User input is invaluable in our pursuit of enhancing Dotme. Periodically, we may introduce “beta” functionality to solicit user feedback. It is essential to acknowledge that, by providing feedback, users grant us the liberty to utilize it at our discretion, without entailing compensation. Users should bear in mind that beta functionality may not be as reliable as other aspects of the platform.

Open Source

Dotme’s application integrates open source software components, each governed by its respective license terms. Users may access these terms via our Open-Source Content library, situated within the ‘Legal’ section of the app. In instances where open source component license terms contradict these Terms, the open source terms will take precedence for that component, and user rights and obligations for that component will be governed by those terms.


Our exoneration from liability extends to damages stemming from platform usage. Users assume responsibility for maintaining backups of their content and data. Users commit to indemnifying us against losses arising from breaches of these Terms or third-party claims arising from their content. Neither party shall be held accountable for indirect, punitive, special, incidental, or consequential damages. Our maximum liability, under these Terms, will not surpass the fees remitted by users.


The utilization of Dotme and its content is embarked upon at the user’s risk. The platform is presented “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE,” devoid of any warranties, whether express or implied. Dotme, its affiliates, and licensors do not furnish representations or warranties concerning uptime, availability, error correction, virus-free operation, or content suitability for any purpose. These Terms are applicable to the maximum extent allowable by law, devoid of any exclusion, restriction, or modification of legal rights not amenable to contractual alteration.

Third-Party Services

Dotme extends access to distinct functionalities or services furnished by third parties (e.g., payment gateways or online storefronts). Our platform integrates with a myriad of third-party products and services. Unless explicitly stipulated otherwise, we neither endorse nor warrant any third-party product or service and do not proffer refunds for payments made to third parties. The user’s interaction with any third-party product or service may be subject to separate terms and conditions, which users must peruse, accept, and adhere to. Failure to do so may result in account suspension, termination, or limited access to these services within our platform.


We retain the prerogative to terminate user accounts at any time, grounded in various considerations, including breaches of these Terms or our policies. Users may effectuate account cancellation through contact with [Support Email] or the ‘My Account’ page. Upon termination, user access to the platform shall cease, encompassing access to all user-generated content. We may retain user content for a reasonable duration to accommodate potential account reactivation. Subsequent to account deletion, Dotme reserves the right to maintain copies of user content as requisite for legal, accounting, or operational obligations.

Governing Law

These Terms fall under the jurisdiction of Bangalore, India, where Dotme is duly registered, sans regard to conflict-of-law principles.

Changes to Terms

We may periodically update these Terms to reflect shifts in our practices or other operational, legal, or regulatory considerations. The “Effective Date” at the outset of these Terms shall be adjusted accordingly. Users will be apprised of material alterations to these Terms via email or notice postings within the platform. Continued utilization of Dotme following such changes constitutes user acceptance of the amended Terms. In the event of disagreement with the modifications, users must discontinue using Dotme.

Contact Information

For inquiries or concerns pertaining to these Terms & Conditions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at: info@dotme.in Your engagement with Dotme signifies your acceptance of these Terms & Conditions. We appreciate your collaboration in fostering a vibrant and secure platform community.

Dotme Technologies Private Limited | 16 Dec, 2023

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